Thomas Lucas Knowledge is Beautiful

The Popular Music over the last 55 years

Whether one likes it or not, music is an art that does not let people indifferent. At a time when listening to music has never been easier, I felt interesting to have a closer look at what are the characteristics of popular music and popular artists over the last half-century.

Motor Vehicle Collisions in New York City

This project focuses on analyzing the Motor Vehicle Collisions in New York City provided by the Police Department (NYPD) combined with historic weather data fo New York City. The main idea is motivated by the fact that I believe that traffic accidents are not purely linked to fate. It is often a combination of circumstances which can lead to a crash. Using my data I will try to identify the potential risky areas of New York City in term of motor vehicles collisions regarding a particular moment of the day, date, season, weather conditions, type of vehicle, or a combination of several factors.